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IMPACT Concussion Baseline- Ridgeview Medical

Concussions can occur in any sport or physical activity. As children and athletes of all ages are playing longer and harder than ever before, the potential for concussion (classified as a mild traumatic brain injury -TBI), continues to increase.

Fortunately, with proper management and careful return to participation, the ability to protect the long-term health of athletes is more effective than ever. The ImPACT Concussion Management Model promotes the highest level of care and a safe return to play for athletes of all ages, from younger children (ages 10 and up) to collegiate and professional athletes.

To get started, call Ridgeview Medical Center (952-442-2191) your Credentialed ImPACT Consultant (CIC) to take the baseline test. It's affordable and will provide peace of mind, knowing that if a concussion occurs, you and your school, club or team, and healthcare provider, will be well prepared to manage it effectively. Even without a baseline test, ImPACT's scientific approach and comprehensive data can take some of the guesswork out of when it's safe to return to play.

ImPACT is the industry leader in concussion management and trusted by teams and organizations around the world. Baseline screening cost is $5.00 for middle school & free to high school athletes, and recommended for each team member prior to the start of the season.

iPhone App - Mat Dr App for wrestler skin care

The Mat Doc skin app allows users who work with wrestlers or any athlete to quickly determine what type of skin lesion may be present. Application is ideal for coaches, referees and even parents who need a quick, simple guide to aid in rapid identification of common skin infections. Utilizing a bodygram, the user clicks on the area of concern, and then photos of several skin conditions appear. Click on the one most representative of your athlete and a description with specifics of the condition, treatment guidelines and infectivity are listed.

For those who already know the condition, a list of skin infections is presented. Clicking on specific conditions allows the user to access almost a hundred photos representative of these infections. A description follows addressing all the specifics on these conditions.

Wrestler Health, Medical Forms, Eligibility, Wrestling School